What can I do about depression? This is a question I hear asked more often from friends and family suffering from depression. It’s a good question and one that deserves some exploration. I’ll offer some answers to the question: what can I do about depression if I’m already depressed or know someone who is?
Most people are familiar with the term “bipolar disorder”. The symptoms of this disorder include, but are not limited to, major depression, also known as major depression and dysthymia, also known as mild depression. Dysthymia can progress into either depression or mania depending on which cycle it goes through. Because dysthymia has a cycle, there is a good chance your own mood will go through cycles as well. This is where brain stimulation and/or transcranial magnetic stimulation (TCM) may be helpful.
Major depression, however, can occur without a full depressive episode. If you’ve been sad for a while but it hasn’t been broken by any major life events, then you may be a candidate for depression. You may also have other mood disorders such as bipolar disorder, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), or social anxiety. When a person begins to experience a long drawn out sadness that doesn’t seem to go away no matter what you do, they should consider seeking help from a mental health professional. Visit kratom for anxiety for more information.
There are many factors that play a role in someone getting depressed. A big one that scientists aren’t sure about yet is the level of brain chemistry that is present. There have been several studies done showing a relationship between depression and different levels of brain chemical levels in those who experience it. Women experience a greater risk of depression when their estrogen levels are depleted during pregnancy. Menopause may also lead to decreased estrogen levels in the female brain.
Other things that a person may be exposed to that may cause a major depression trigger are major life transitions. Going from college to a new house, moving to another country or neighborhood, marriage or divorce, and having a baby all put a tremendous amount of stress on a person and often contribute to depression. A traumatic event such as losing a loved one or being the victim of a serious accident may also lead to sadness and possibly depression. While some people believe that postpartum depression and major depression are caused by similar symptoms, the truth is that they are not. Postpartum depression is usually due to a woman’s sudden loss of energy, while major depression typically occurs after a major event.
If you think you may be suffering from depression, you should talk to your doctor about it. They can run tests and perform psychological evaluations to see if you are a good candidate for this mental illness. It is important to note that even if you are officially diagnosed with depression, you may experience symptoms of it, which include: feelings of sadness and hopelessness, changes in appetite and sleeping patterns, and headaches. If any of these symptoms persist for more than a few days, you should get help. Depression is a serious illness that can lead to much more problems if left untreated.