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Please wait while windows configures microsoft visio standard 2013 free download
Dec 09, · Every time I open an Office program (word, excel, outlook, powerpoint), I get a windows installer popping up “Please wait while windows configures Microsoft Office standard. Microsoft Visio Plan 2 with a Microsoft subscription is the latest version of Visio Plan 2. Previous versions include Visio Plan 2 , Visio Plan 2 , and Visio Plan 2 Visio Plan 2 is compatible with Windows 10, Windows , and Windows 7. Mar 03, · Hello, I am having a frustrating problem with Visio as it is opening. It keeps displaying the message that I have in the title about it trying to configure. I have tried the following: reg add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\\Visio\Options /v NoReReg /t REG_DWORD /d 1 To manually fix this · hum, I found this worked The item labeled (Default) in.
[Please wait while windows configures microsoft visio standard 2013 free download
Visio startup problem “Please wait while Windows configures Microsoft Visio Once посмотреть еще is complete, when you open Visio Pro the windows configures each time. Viewer if using the Visio Viewer. I was able to install Visio Pro and open up without configuring on 1 of the machines. I tried 2 things one of which may have worked. Your suggestion above on the update allowed me to remove another update Узнать больше Visio Viewer Update [Describes a vulnerability in Microsoft Visio Viewer could allow remote code execution.
I also installed Project Std Project Std installed and opened up without the configuration start up issue. Installing Project Hangouts for windows download free also included the additional install of the Office Language Preference program. I suspect this had an impact on the installation of Visio.
I’m wondering if during the install start up issue that microsoft onenote 2013 requires visual basic for applications free download program was configuring the language preference for Visio. I made both changes at the same time so I can’t confirm which worked, just glad that issue resolved. If this problem pleaae, try to start Visio in safe mode, if the problem does not occur in the safe mode, this issue might be related to some third-party add-ins in the Office program, you can try to disable them.
Normally, you could do the following to disable the conflict add-ins in your Office program. If all fails, well, uninstalling Office completely and re-installing it. I tried the читать больше and still winows same issue of Visio wanting to configure each time you open the program.
It opens in safe mode, but still configures. There were add in from Acrobat that I removed acrobat. No change. I’ve also run a repair on Visio. I’ll keep plugging away, but if you or anyone else experience какие activation key for microsoft visual studio 2010 professional free download ок!всем and has a fix, let me know.
If you did want to see the error message, here is a workaround, please try to run Visio. Visio on r2 terminal server had the same issue. This issue seems to have been in every version of visio while the fix varies on version. So the problem seems to come with visio wanting to register the file associations on launch, this causes a msi repair.
Unfortunately the msi repair does not fix the key, nor does uninstalling and re-installing update the key to the correct microsofr. You will notice the key. So the visio on launch detects that the file association for. The net result is that visio repairs on every launch but never fixes the problem.
As a test I downlkad visio. Using preferential policy because please wait while windows configures microsoft visio standard 2013 free download needed a solution for new users, I set it to update this key to the correct value. I verified the key please wait while windows configures microsoft visio standard 2013 free download not actually exist in the default user profile, please wait while windows configures microsoft visio standard 2013 free download you cant fix it there.
The only way I found to fix it long term for all users was to use a policy to update the key for all users when they log on. Here is a copy of the preferential user policy, if you are running an enterprise with AD and Group policy you can use the following to update the vsio. Good luck! I lost a day and a half on this, it seems the problem dates back to nearly every version of visio. I would be good if MS developed a long term fix. I think I found the actual culprit. I discovered this path was set to Office12 instead of Office15, made the change, now it opens wihdows every time.
I tried this by setting both keys to the Visio. Any ideas? Even running Visio in safe mode didn’t stop it from resetting that value.
Office Office Exchange Server. Not an IT pro? Resources for IT Professionals. Sign in. United States English.
Ask a question. Quick access. Search related threads. Remove From My Forums. Answered by:. Archived Forums. Sign in to vote. I’ve tried the following 2 steps and no success. Tuesday, December 17, PM.
Thanks for the assistance. Friday, December 20, PM. Hi, 1. Wednesday, December 18, AM. Thursday, December 19, PM. Friday, Downloas please wait while windows configures microsoft visio standard 2013 free download, AM. Anyways configuree the problem and the reason behind it, the fix is below. So the log of the short is verify the following keys are set to “Visio.
Tuesday, December 23, AM. Finally solved this annoying problem. Thanks a lot! Sunday, August 23, PM. Hi, thx a lot; you saved my day!!! Thursday, September 24, AM. This is definitely the fix for this. Saturday, November 7, Please wait while windows configures microsoft visio standard 2013 free download.
Tuesday, December 1, PM. Friday, June 3, AM. Bones 0. Don’t worry, there are no actual answers that seem to work here. I can’t find a workable answer either, but my key is not rewriting itself.
Wednesday, June 22, PM. This key does not even exist on the PC giving me this problem. The issue is relevant still. Just happened to me. Problem was in duplicity of. Friday, August 5, AM. You can also try removing any previous version of MS Visio, sometimes more than one is installed.
Once done, and reboot. Delete Office14 folder because this is an older version of office remain on your pc. Once I did that application dont get confuse on which version launch. Monday, January 30, PM. THIS one really make my day!!! Friday, Stanrard 7, AM. This is exactly the solution! Friday, August 11, AM. Worked for me as well in Visio Wednesday, August 30, PM. Thank you. It helps! Tuesday, Посмотреть больше 3, PM.
Thanks a million. Tuesday, July 10, PM.
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United States English. Ask a question. Quick access. Search related threads. Remove From My Forums. Asked by:. Archived Forums. Sign in to vote. Hello, I am having a frustrating problem with Visio as it is opening. Please help! Thursday, August 14, PM. Sunday, August 17, PM. Thursday, August 28, AM. Hi Greta, I have tried that as well mentioned in my first post. Also tried a repair and then a reinstall with no luck.
Thursday, August 28, PM. Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community. Search the community and support articles Install, upgrade and activate Microsoft and Office Search Community member.
Every time I open an Office program word, excel, outlook, powerpoint , I get a windows installer popping up “Please wait while windows configures Microsoft Office standard”. The program opens slowly underneath the installer. I’m running Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit. I found a registry correction searching the web, but it only works for Word. Any help? This thread is locked. Microsoft Corporation Office Visio Professional Popular Topics in Microsoft Office. Spiceworks Help Desk. The help desk software for IT.
Track users’ IT needs, easily, and with only the features you need. Learn More ». Dusty22 Aug 20, at UTC. Yep, tried that. All users are local administrators on the PC as well.