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Pockit dewigner a new kind of computer — it’s made for the physical world. Aktium top of its powerful, versatile Core, you can attach modular Blocks and interact download mega link free full 2016 office microsoft 1 the world in your own unique way. Time for a comprehensive demo I wanted to briefly show the full range of capabilities so far; vesigner turned out to need a long and bs enjoyable video. The demo video of Pockit’s developments in the last few months, altiuk the recent board upgrade, and some exploration of altium designer 18 vs 17 free thoughts on modular electronics.

The speed boost enables smooth performance with computationally intensive applications, like visual altium designer 18 vs 17 free and machine learning. The multi-protocol nRFbased Block see post 30 is yet to be integrated with HomeAssistant, so I temporarily made a CCbased Zigbee Block, which worked well in my tests with appliances.

A much improved Dashboard with completion of the programmable tile grid, and lots of fine-tuning of the App-selector. I maintained compatibility with all Blocks designed жмите far except one, which will be re-routedbut importantly the CM4 opens up greater computational power and peripheral flexibility, which means new Block possibilities.

With greater power came But providing USB3. For now, I used a solder-jumper selection on the Core. Big milestone reached: The Pockit dashboard software briefly revealed in a past video is now mostly ready and stable. It centers around ‘apps’ — analogous to phone apps, but here focusing on rich hardware interplay. Whenever you attach one or more Blocks, Pockit auto-detects them.

Then a multi-factor algorithm scores each item in the full apps-list узнать больше здесь the likelihood of altium designer 18 vs 17 free user intending to use it with the current Blocks. The calculation is instant and results in a sorted list, with best-matching app shown at top and also auto-loaded, подробнее на этой странице intelligent adaptive behavior of the device.

The user can also manually choose an app. Tiles have ‘widgets’ like web UI-components. A couple of widget examples: a textfield-widget or plot-widget could display Pockit’s readings of a Designerr Sensor Block. Likewise, a slider-widget might control outputs such as a Motor Cree speed. More widget examples: a Camera-stream that runs from altium designer 18 vs 17 free Python script. Or a widget that interacts with multiple Blocks: designre. The circuit uses the feature-rich and power-efficient nRF SoC.

After further testing, I will add a U. FL antenna connector just like the Читать Blockto enable extra-long-range communication. The nRF supports Zigbee, But not sure yet CM4 dimensions are tricky, plus feature creep is risky; so let’s see. Here is a first look at the full scope of possibilities with the recent integration of Raspberry Pi into Pockit Pockit goodness with tiny Compute module. This video shows me quickly assembling, rearranging, and using a Linux PC, then transforming it into a handheld.

So, Pockit’s real-time interaction with Blocks can now be married with a,tium accelerated capabilities of a Linux-capable processor.

The video 1st item was for showing various possibilities with this combination. High-speed-signal HSS PCB layout is difficult to do well, but provides great rewards — such as high-resolution, high-framerate camera streams. An ‘accelerator’ Block, meant for AI-class applications. I will cover this in a future demo, after finalizing the testing phase. Until recently, Pockit has always had a plastic shell but with the magnets always exposed for stronger attraction.

Inspired by a post on the project’s Facebook group, I decided to see how Привожу ссылку could embed dree magnets within Pockit’s housing. The updated CAD model adds pockets in the top lid for the magnets to fit into, together with other changes.

Also, as part of the top surface design, I added protrusions bosses that mate with pockets designed into the Blocks. Side-by-side of old version and new design, with thicker magnets, full enclosure of ffee magnets, and also upgraded pogo-contacts. Works very reliably, and holds Blocks slightly stronger. Better appearance too. A close-up of the new design’s top altikm, showing the newly added plastic bosses 4 fref each slot. After free feedback from the community, I decided to explore the Linux board idea more seriously.

While it worked well for Pi-related features, rfee weren’t enough free pins to distribute to every slot altium designer 18 vs 17 free the board and for every type of Block. Here ссылка на продолжение how Camera, HDMI, etc. The battery logic x pro windows 10 free always been a good candidate for modularity, so I took this chance to separate it into its own Block посетить страницу источник a tiny connector.

Frde, with the new method, the Core can be powered from a Battery Block with greater and choosable capacity — e. Perhaps a good pair for gardening or IR LED. Fingerprint sensor. Reading data from the latter was a pain, thanks to a poor component datasheet, but altium designer 18 vs 17 free sensor’s detection speed is altiuk. Houseplants are getting deslgner lot more vvs this altium designer 18 vs 17 free, with people spending more time indoors.

I wanted to show Pockit being used for a smart-gardening type of application. The absolute minimum needed for automatic watering would be a Soil-Moisture-Sensor Block and the newly completed Pump Block. Here, for instance, the sync feature makes remote monitoring easy. Note that the UI is Block-agnostic. LiPo batteries same chemistry used in smartphones come in nearly any dimensions, specified as HHLLWW height, length, widthwith proportional capacity.

117 older battery was The new one is However, months of runtime altium designer 18 vs 17 free a single charge can happen with proper sleep rationing. I’ve designed Pockit’s firmware with focus on easy entry or auto-entry altium designer 18 vs 17 free Sleep mode. MCU wakeup takes microseconds. A lot of progress, both hardware and firmware: On the hardware front, the overall design has been optimized. The circuitry has been condensed from two PCBs to one, opening dedigner some empty area for other possibilities.

Bottom view of the single-board reincarnation. Already at v7 now, the tightest one yet. The trace-routing is a city of its own, dense highways and streets going everywhere, and with a big free pc games butterfly at the STM32 BGA.

Pseudo-3D view Altium Designer has several nice features like this of the completed Core design. No more bothering with a Cesigner cable. Should’ve implemented this earlier. The software side of Pockit primarily the STM32 firmware is of course constructed in a modular way, much like the hardware is. But there are altium designer 18 vs 17 free vertical layers. I’ve made a couple of diagrams to explain the architecture:.

Layer hierarchy of Pockit’s software. Note: To simplify the diagram, I didn’t include a few of the Core’s internal components like Altium designer 18 vs 17 free, PowerButton, etc. A rough drawing made in Altium of the firmware structure implemented in согласен docker for windows 10 информацию CoreOS, i.

The Pockit project aims to make hardware assemblies easier. Likewise, I’m thinking now about how to further enhance the programming of that hardware too: More simple or more control?

Regulated 3. Перейти altium designer 18 vs 17 free been some significant recent improvements in the overall power circuit design.

Intended for phones, where space is scarce, this PMIC does the work that previous ICs did together some deisgner in this image’s background.

And I2C control. So, the power circuit is significantly simpler now, supplying 3. All from a source of battery or Atium when both present, charging ddsigner happens. I’ve made two interesting but experimental recent additions to the circuit for providing wireless-charging capability. The resulting internal hardware for wireless charging works well so far, but is yet to be optimized After the alarm clock video, many people asked me how the project was altium designer 18 vs 17 free, so I filmed this to show a close-up of the internals — both the typical PCB components and the Block’s mechanical construction.

Pockit into a I am still working on procuring altium designer 18 vs 17 free bi-color screen variant I mentioned in Update So I started experimenting with a particular interesting spinoff of the Pi. There are numerous embedded Linux CPUs available e. But compared unfairly to a full Pi, most have difficult documentation, or demand a complex circuit, or are pricey, or have weak specs. This flexibility is apt for modular design. Plus, it would occupy a sixth of the volume a designeg Pi board 117 use.

Typically, Pockit’s Blocks are attached on top of the Core, but I began to читать of attachment on the side of Core too 2-axis modularity?



Altium Designer – PCB Design Software – DbLib vs SVNDbLib


When placing from the Components panel some users would see a ‘Store update, insert, or delete statement affected an unexpected number of rows 0 ‘ error message. If the Windows decimal separator was set to the comma character, design constraints were not being imported during import of a Mentor Xpedition file.

Added the ability to present the Y-axis in Logarithmic form for simulation results in the Sim Data Editor, in the same way previously only possible for the X-axis. The following exception was being encountered: “EOleException. Object reference not set to an instance of an object in Altium. Switching to another application while in-line editing in a schematic text frame could result in the edits being lost and the message “Interactive process not finished” appearing.

The Find Text dialog now includes a Mask Matching option, when enabled everything in the workspace is masked except the found results. Formulas within text on a schematic were not being resolved correctly when the PC was set to use French regional settings for Windows. In a rigid-flex design, if the flex zone has a Coverlay layer with a layer type of Solder Mask, the actual Solder Mask layer is always displayed in the 2D view even when its visibility is disabled in the View Configuration panel.

Double-clicking on stacked PCB objects in 3D view mode with the ‘Display Popup Selection dialog’ option enabled and the ‘Double Click Runs Interactive Properties’ option disabled, would sometimes result in the software being locked in 3D view mode and not being able to save the board.

The embedded board array object now includes a Board Shape option in the Properties panel; use this to switch the PCB background from green to transparent. When pasting a via over a pad and some polygons, the selection pop-up would appear, even though there was no ambiguity as to which net that of the pad the via should ‘pick up’.

When the PCB. IPCSupport advanced option is enabled, and there is a certain combination of columns enabled in the Drill Table defaults, and the Drill Table defaults are edited to include certain additional columns, those columns could become repeated in the table.

A pad with the Counterhole option enabled could result in that pad disconnecting from inner layer polygons when the Counterhole size approached the pad size. The gray-scale color palette used for generating PCB Prints did not offer the correct coloring choices. It was not possible to select any components on a particular PCB document due to a regression involving ordinate dimensions that included several points of measurement.

GerberDialog option in the Advanced Settings dialog. The settings for mechanical layers added to plots in the old Gerber Setup dialog were not retained when those Gerber settings were opened in the new Gerber Setup dialog.

GerberDialog option in the Advanced Settings dialog and with the output format set to ‘filename. Note that you can only copy an Annotation object when it is not attached to another Draftsman object, such as a View. Copying and pasting a table that includes merged cells would result in the merged cells becoming un-merged in the pasted table.

The Filter feature in the Components panel and the MPS panel was incorrectly displaying the temperature value options in degrees Fahrenheit instead of Celcius.

The Allegro importer would sometimes incorrectly create a region object in the same shape and location as a polygon. The Allegro importer was incorrectly creating a polygon cutout over unconnected pads within a polygon, making it impossible to control the polygon clearance using design rules.

There was an issue with multi-part components where, for floating nodes, a? It was not possible to stop a running sweep-type simulation at any stage in the sweep. The performance has been increased when plotting histograms and parametric plots by a factor of The properties of an alternate varied part are now displayed as read-only in the Properties panel when that alternate part is selected on the schematic.

Toggling the visibility of pin parameters would reset their location to default. Component Pins tab of the Properties panel would not sort by Name, only by Pin number. It was not possible to configure the default visibility of Sheet Entry cross-references to not visible.

Dragging the center handle on a polygon edge would not always remove that edge when it was redundant. Attempting to move a component with the mouse that was failing the component clearance rule would not show an online rule violation, even though one existed. Outline detection was sometimes failing when the shape included a combination of arcs and tracks.

After dragging and dropping a 3D model from the Explorer panel onto a footprint open for editing, and then placing a pad, a warning that the component could not be saved because a command was already active would appear when attempting to save. This no longer occurs.

The PCB. ComponentSelection advanced option was not being applied, component selection was always using the contents of the Courtyard layer type. The Pin Swapping option for routing has been disabled by default and can be enabled during each new session of Altium Designer. A new option to ‘Merge regions and pads inside Footprint’ has been added to the Gerber Setup dialogs. With this option enabled, regions within a footprint will be merged with pads during generation of Gerber outputs.

Numerous improvements made to the Components panel, helping simplify the process of moving from file-based components to managed components. Numerous usability improvements made to the Library Migrator, including feedback about: conflicting parameters, model checking, empty folder paths, and other areas.

The Library Migrator would not always indicate the reason a component failed to import. The validator has been improved to provide more details.

Fixed typos in the ‘Location of project files has changed’ dialog. The Connection Manager and the Properties panel did not display the same pin numbers in a multi-board project. After editing multiple components in the Batch Component Editor, user-defined pin mapping definitions were deleted. The Explorer panel was not presenting the aspect views for browsing detailed data for a selected item revision when using the panel’s Search view.

Support added to use a file-based PWL source. Attempting to open the simulation model for a component placed from a DbLib would result in an access violation. When attempting to change multiple selected components via the Properties panel, if a different library is selected as the Source, the Component Source dialog appears. When the Select button is clicked the Replace dialog opens to choose the replacement, but instead of updating all currently selected components the Replace dialog would reappear for each of the selected components.

Updates such as footprint and parameter changes to components that were used as an alternate part in a Variant, were not propagating through to the design when an Update Schematics or Update Parameters command was run.

Improved the performance of dragging components on a schematic sheet that has a large number of components and wires. When enabled, each special string has its name displayed as a faint superscript.

Net name negation using the trailing backslash character was not working for Power Ports. An access violation would sometimes occur during differential pair routing if the PCB file was stored in a OneDrive folder.

The Heads Up Display would remain visible on top of all other applications after switching from Altium Designer to a different Windows application. This ticket also corrected an issue where, if changes were made to a STEP model that was linked to a PCB, when that PCB was reopened and the linked model automatically updated, the model location and orientation were not correctly maintained, resulting in the linked model moving. Performing a 3D measurement between a 3D object and the board surface or board edge, reported a distance of zero.

The Footprint Comparison Report would give a false failure on a component if: the component had been rotated, and the component included an extruded 3D Body object with an arc in its outline. Differential pair reported signal length was not the same in the PCB panel and the tuning gauge during interactive length tuning, when the pair included vias.

Changing a via type e. For a specific design project an Access Violation would result when the Retrace Selected command was run on a partially selected accordion. Switching between Workspaces or signing out of a Workspace would result in the software disconnecting from the Private License Server.

To reduce potential for confusion when using the Soft Locks feature, if a user has made changes to a document more than two days ago, a second user opening the same document will not see that the first user is ‘editing’ the document, but rather a clearer state of ‘ made changes locally on ‘. In addition, the icon used in the Projects panel will change to gray, indicating that this is a change made more than two days ago and not an active editing session by that first user.

It was not possible to navigate through the different project Comment dialog options such as the list of suggested email recipients , using the keyboard. When there was a remote VCS repository connected to a local repository which does not require authorization , the software would still prompt for authorization credentials when a VCS action was performed.

If a component included a ranked Part Choice, attempting to remove another Part Choice would remove that one and the Part Choice below it. With the ‘Always Drag’ option disabled, there were rare cases where some wires would disappear after moving a selection of circuitry.

The speed of the simulation process has been significantly increased when running multiple analyses. Extra connection dots were generated when moving wires on the schematic. Embedded graphics in a schematic were not able to be presented in generated PDF output, causing an error in Acrobat Reader.

Using formulas on a schematic involving the ‘abs’ and ’round’ functions resulted in NAME? The variant that was last set prior to closing a project is now remembered, and will be the variant presented when the project is reopened.

PrjPcb was being marked as having been modified when making a change to the drawing style for a variant. The polygon edge that is away from the shielded net will touch the edge of the vias.

The polygon edge that is adjacent to the shielded net will be set back from the net by the applicable Clearance design rule. If the Add clearance cutout option is also enabled, the polygon will instead be set back from the shielded net by the Distance setting in the Add Shielding to Net dialog. Hover the cursor over the image below to see the difference.

Shielding vias around a net with the clearance cutout option enabled, move the cursor over the image to disable the clearance cutout option. The style of the connection from the shielding vias to the shielding copper polygon can be controlled by including a Polygon Connect Style design rule, targeted at the shielding vias and polygon. Use the InViaShielding query keyword to scope this design rule, so that it specifically targets those vias and that polgyon.

Each via in a stitching or shielding array is identified by the addition of a string to the net name, such as [VS1], as shown in the image below, where:. All vias that are part of that array will select if the Select checkbox is enabled in the panel as shown in the image below. Alternatively, double click on any via in the array to open the Properties panel and edit the array.

Use the PCB panel in Unions mode to select all vias in a stitching or shielding array. In this image, all four via shielding unions are selected. The properties of a stitching or shielding via set can be edited once it has been selected, in the Via Stitching or the Via Shielding mode of the Properties panel. An example of an edit being performed to a via shielding. As soon as any property has been edited in the panel, the Changes pending message and buttons appear at the bottom of the panel – use the appropriate button to complete your editing action.

The following collapsible sections contain information about the Via Shielding options and controls available:. The following collapsible sections contain information about the Via Stitching options and controls available:.

Once stitching is complete, you will need to re-pour the polygons if the applicable Polygon Connect Style design rule specifies a relief connection style. This can be done using the commands in the Tools » Polygon Pours sub-menu. Using Altium Documentation. Shielding Parameters. Net — the net to have shielding vias placed around. Stagger alternate rows — alternate rows of shielding vias are offset by half of the Grid value when this option is enabled.

Row Spacing — spacing between rows of shielding vias edge to edge separation when the Rows setting is greater than 1. Distance — separation from the edge of the shielded net track segments, to the edge of the shielding vias. Grid — the distance between the edges of adjacent shielding vias. Shielding vias will not be placed in violation of applicable design rules; if a potential via site would result in a violation then that site is skipped.

Rows — number of rows of shielding vias. Add Shielding — place a polygon over the area occupied by the shielding vias, connected to the net specified in the Via Net field. The polygon is defined in accordance with the applicable Clearance constraint and Polygon Connect Style design rules. Add Clearance Cutout — include a polygon cutout around the shielded net, set back from the net by the distance specified in the Distance field.

Use this when you require a different clearance from the applicable Clearance constraint design rule. Net — the net being shielded by the shielding vias. Net Class — if the chosen Net is a member of a Net Class, it will be displayed in this field. Via Template. Template — displays the currently chosen via template. Use the drop-down to change the assigned via template.

Library — displays to which library the via template is linked and includes the option to Unlink the template from said library. Net — the net that the shielding vias are connected to. Via Type — use the drop-down to select the type of via from those available in the layer stack. Via Types — click to open the Layer Stack to configure the required via types for the active layer stack. Hole Information. Hole Size — size of the hole in the shielding vias.

Tolerance — negative and positive hole size tolerances allowed for the shielding vias. Size and Shape. Size and Shape — vias are one of three styles: Simple — the via diameter is the same on all layers Top-Middle-Bottom — the via diameter can be specified for the Top layer, Middle all internal layers , and Bottom layer.

Full Stack — the via diameter can be specified for every signal layer. Diameter — diameter of the shielding vias. Thermal Relief — check the Direct box then click to open the Connect Style dialog to specify the connection style. Solder Mask Expansion. Rule — enable this option to allow the existing solder mask expansion rule to take effect on the shielding vias.

Manual — enable this option to edit the mask expansion values below for these shielding vias. Top — enter the required mask expansion for the Top Layer. Bottom — enter the required mask expansion for the Bottom Layer. Top Tented — if this checkbox is enabled, the mask is closed on the Top Layer for these shielding vias. Bottom Tented — if this checkbox is enabled, the mask is closed on the Bottom Layer for these shielding vias.

Linked — if the Linked option is enabled, the same expansion value is used for both the Top and Bottom layers. From Hole Edge — enable this option to calculate the mask expansion from the edge of the drill hole instead of the edge of the via donut. Stitching Parameters.

Constrain Area — enable to constrain via stitching to a specific area.


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