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Windows 10 home to pro upgrade cost free download
Learn how to upgrade Windows 10 Home to Windows 10 Pro to access more advanced security and networking features. Here’s how to get that upgrade for free. All you need is a Pro/Ultimate product key from an older version of Windows. Despite officially ending the free update promotion in mid, Microsoft quietly keeps this option available so all Windows PC owners can run.
How to Upgrade Windows 10 Home to Windows 10 Pro?
Try using your Windows 7 or Windows 8 license key. While they might activate today there is no guarantee they will activate a month from now or whenever you decide to продолжение здесь windows from scratch. Feb 4,am EST. Open Windows Store and log into по этому сообщению Microsoft account. On the forums, we see MANY tales of woe concerning aftermarket, 3rd-party, or otherwise dicey Windows keys. Accept the terms and choose the upgrade options that lets you keep your files and preferences. So, you might want to prevent such reboots.